Monday, April 30, 2012

Recently ....

Scarlett slept through the night for the very first time a couple of nights ago. She did not have a repeat performance last night, but she is sleeping for longer stretches of time. 
She will get there eventually, we are just not a "let em cry it out" family.
Although, "crying it out" may have happened a few times because we were all sick of each other. For naps and bedtimes, she will fuss long enough for me to get out of the room and she is done. Maybe she's just making a show of missing me.

Scarlett has also learned to climb up the ladder and slide down the slide right by herself.
Good Grief! 
Next week will be college. 

In other fantastic news, Jack has lost another tooth.
He is so excited to look like a snaggletooth since he has been so slow to loose any teeth.
This is number 4 and he is 7 years old.
I see an orthodontist in my future. I can see how the bottom of his mouth is shaped like my husband's. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

My New Job - LexiWynn

I have the amazing privilege to work for LexiWynn. They make custom order purses, wallets, beach nags, diaper bags, and more and I get to be a design consultant.


Matching up fabrics is something that I love. LexiWynn will send me sample purses and fabric swatches. Customers will get to design their purse, bag, wallet, exactly like they want. I get so excited just thinking about all the possibilities.

There are leather and laminate samples to choose from, as well as all the regular fabric samples. You can add pockets and different purse straps. 
So amazingly fun! 

Check out their website and let me know what you would love to have! 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Surviving (non) Deployments

This is from last May. I'm not sure why it didn't post. I thought I wanted it on here so I would go ahead and post it. We are all moved now and the car is fixed. At least that problem is fixed.

Ryan was not all the way to back to Florida on Sunday when I noticed a leak under my car. This is not at all what we need. Seriously, gas prices are gonna bury us.


My neighbor, who owns a hair salon with his wife, came to look at it. In his professional-hair-salon opinion, he had no clue. HA! Bless his heart!
 We did figure out that it was not oil or power steering, very happy. 
I am completely at a loss at this point and missing my military world a bit more.  It's beginning to feel like a deployment without the hazardous duty pay.

Ryan and I finally figured out that it is coolant leaking from a hose under the car. It is dripping and running down the oil pan and onto a support bracket and then dripping from the car. I had the camera under the car with me and was text messaging him pictures. God love us!
 Easy fix if Ryan was here. Hopefully, Ryan will have some time when he is here in a couple of weeks. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sleeping Through The Night

 It's not for everyone! Scarlett does not sleep through the night. 
Tomorrow she turns 14 months old and has NEVER slept through the night.
She regularly wakes 2 times every night. Occasionally, we will only wake once. 
I'm not sure that I can adequately explain what a full night of sleep would mean to me. 

 The picture is dark, but I have to have some proof that she does sleep. 
I know that I will look back one day and this will be a very so very unimportant.

Now that she is drinking cold old-fashioned milk, she's about to go spend a weekend with Grammie.
No one will be allowed to wake me up!

She does wear herself out with appliance climbing and other shenanigans.

Scarlett also likes to lock herself in other rooms. Not really locking herself in because she can't reach the doorknobs, but she closes the door and then yells at me from the other side. We are having a ball.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fire Ants

My poor baby got into a fire ant bed. I was checking the mail, turned around, and they were all over her feet because she was standing right in the middle of their bed. I scooped her up and dashed for the house. She cried and cried. I felt terrible.  I took some pictures from the last few days and she is doing so good.

About 5 hours after the ant attack of 2012. She had been napping in the car and we had just sat down during Jackson's soccer practice. I found out later I could give her Benadryl, but she had some Tylenol to help with the pain.  Miserable!

This was the next morning. Her ankles had disappeared :)

This was 30 hours later. You can see the blisters forming. She had some Benadryl in her a couple of times by the time this picture was taken.  Daddy was home by then and those ants were on their way to the grave. 
 Her feet started bleeding after this. She would rub against something and the blister would pop and bleed. It
  was pitiful, but she never scratched at them.

This is today. 6 days later. All the blisters have popped. She has a few scabs and is healing so well. The picture is blurry, but that just goes to show that she's on the move.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Fun

Our Easter turned into a low key event. Scarlett got into a fire ant bed a few days before Easter. Her feet were still bleeding and tender on Easter, so we stayed home. I will post some pictures soon. 

Here is our neighbor's dog, PJ, with Scarlett. She loves that little dog and tries to call it over to our house by patting the grass. PJ is still a puppy and jumps in Scarlett's face, but Scarlett just pushes him away.

We went to the fastest Easter egg hunt ever. The kids were divided into sections and at 2:00 they were set free to load up on plastic eggs. At 2:09 we were back in the car and we even stopped to get a cupcake.  Jackson got several eggs. I don't have a picture of Scarlett, she was in another section and it was not very well patrolled. The teenage kids that were supposed to be helping the 0-3 age group decided to pick up eggs for themselves. Ryan was a little outdone with them.


We decorated Easter eggs with the sweet girls that live a couple of houses over from us. This was Caroline's very cool creation.

And finally at the end of the day, pool time. This was Scarlett's first time at the pool. She went when she was a couple of months old, but that doesn't count.  I just knew that she was going to love it. I was so very wrong! The water is still a little cold, but Scarlett freaked out. I think part of the problem was that she was not touching the bottom, it is very unlike the bathtub.